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Early Years Pupil Premium

Did you know your childcare provider may be entitled

to £302 additional funding to further support the education of your child?

If your child is three or four years old, childcare providers can claim up to £302 per year to spend on enriching your child’s education. The funding is called Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).

How this could help your child?

It will help your child to:

• Benefit from extra resources and equipment suited to their needs

• Enjoy a range of new play, learning and activity experiences

• Be better prepared for starting school

Childcare settings will have to demonstrate to Ofsted how funds have been used to improve your child’s education. If you are still eligible, the funding can also be transferred if your child moves to another childcare provider.

For further details click the link below....

Disability Access Fund (DAF)

Disability Access Fund (DAF) introduced in April 2017, provides funding to support children with disabilities or special educational needs. The DAF aids access to early years places by, for example, supporting providers in making reasonable adjustments to their provision.

The DAF has been extended to include eligible two-year-olds until September 2023.

Two-year-old children may be eligible for DAF if they meet the following criteria:

- The child is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and

- The child receives Free Early Education places for 2-year-olds known in Kent as the Free for Two or 'FF2' scheme.

Please speak to one of team if you would like to discuss this funding further.

Ofsted Registered

Member of PACEY

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